Friday, May 1, 2009

Time Flies

It has been awhile since I have been on here. With the nicer weather comes the crazy schedules. Baseball has started for both my boys now. Actually my high schooler is finishing up his last games next week and my 3rd grader has his opening game tomorrow. I am so ready for summer and some sunshine. We have had so much rain lately and I am tired of it!

My oldest found out she is having a baby boy at her last doctors appointment. The baby is due September 4th. So, things are very busy around our house with sports, trying to finish work on our house, getting ready for our first grand baby and hoping to start our fostering classes in September. Could we put anymore on our plate? Oh well, it makes things exciting!

I have also been busy trying to get my garden dug up and ready for everything to be planted. I am hoping to can and freeze a lot of food this year.

Hopefully, it wont be so long between this post and my next post.

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