Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Summer Is Just Around The Corner

I am so excited that the weather is getting warmer. I am excited for all it school work, swimming, days playing in the sun with the kids and fresh foods from the garden just to name a few.

We have been very busy with my lists of "To Do's". Trying very hard to get things done so that we can start our fostering classes in September. We decided to make our garden bigger this year so we have gotten it dug up, tillered and now have everthing planted except for our pumpkins and gourds. I thought the kids would enjoy the pumkings and gourds come fall. The corn, lettuce and beans are starting to pop up from the ground. I also planted a grape vine in hopes of being able to can lots of jams and jellies in the future.

We also got Sugar Bug's bedroom painted. We picked out a new comforter and shelves for his room, now we just need to pick out some posters. Once Sugar Bug's room is finished then I am just moving down the line, next I will paint the hallway and then Brandon's room needs redone.

We get our chickens for 4-H in a couple of weeks. I can't wait for them to arrive. That is another thing we still need to get done, we have to build the chicken tractor. With the chicken tractor we get all the benefits of them being free range without them running off or getting hit by a car. We also got 5 egg layers which I am so excited about!

Well, better run for now.


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