Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here it is 10:00 pm and I am exhausted. I have had a busy day, starting with cleaning my house. I started off with cleaning up the kitchen, doing some laundry and cleaning our downstairs bathroom. Of course, the boys helped too. They both had their chores they had to do before being able to play with their friends. After we finished our chores I ran Brandon to his friend’s house to stay the night. Brady had a friend over also. Brittany, Brady (and his friend) and myself then headed to the YMCA to work out (the boys swam). Earlier this year, I made a resolution to workout on a daily basis and to loose 5 pounds per month. I got off track for a few weeks so today was the day to get back on track. After doing the treadmill and the elipticle I am truly wiped out! So, I will be off to bed here very shortly so that I can get up for church in the morning.

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